Our firelighter wool made of hemp – Product of the Year 2020/21


We are proud that we have been awarded the “Product of the Year 2020/21” award in the Garden category by the trade magazine Baumarktmanager. The expert evaluation of a high-calibre jury was carried out in the criteria innovation, bestseller, utility value, price, sustainability and PoS presentation. We have presented our product innovation, the firelighter wool made of hemp, as the highlight in our range for winter 2020/21. We are pleased to have delighted the jury and to be delighted with the recognition after such a short time on the market.

Juror Arnd Zschiesche says: “Protecting forests by lighting wood with a wood-free firelighter: unique! At last, it is possible to ignite ecologically correct and sustainably.”

The special feature of our – Ecological firelighter wool made of hemp

The eco-ignition wool consists of hemp fibres and vegetable wax. It is particularly suitable for safe, odourless and clean lighting of the grill, oven and fireplace. Due to the use of hemp, this eco-lighter is not only made of 100% renewable raw materials, but above all wood-free. This minimises the risk of irresponsible timber management and protects our natural forests. The light-ignition wool made of hemp offers the same firing properties as the classic wood-based ignition wool. Of course, we also produce hemp wool on our modern production facilities in Germany. Only paper packaging from sustainable sources is used. Of course, this product also complies with DIN EN 1860-3.

We continue…

The title “Product of the Year” distinguishes our work. We take this as an incentive for the future and will make a massive effort to remain european market leaders in the field of ecological barbecue and chimney lighters. The trophy is given a place of honour in our showroom. Our sales representative Wladimir Schwanke represents our team, as unfortunately the Corona Pandemdid not allow a common picture.