Lagerhalle Essen

Current status at BOOMEX GmbH

Current status at BOOMEX GmbH

It is time again for a summary of the current status at BOOMEX GmbH. A busy winter season is still in full swing, but spring is near. Carnival is just around the corner and then we are well on our way towards Easter. We have some highlights in the pipeline for 2022, that’s for sure.

Fairs 2022

May and June are the months of the year. We firmly believe that trade fairs will finally take place again. Finally Amsterdam again with PLMA on 31 May and 1 June. We are looking forward to an international audience and many exciting contacts. Less than three weeks later, Spoga in Cologne is in our calendar (19-21 June). We expect an exciting comeback, with many well-known faces and intensive discussions.

The FLAMMBURO Project 2022

The FLAMMBURO project is now one year old and has grown out of its infancy. In 2022, the aim is to draw the right conclusions from the experiences of 2021 and to position itself even better. The product range is to be significantly expanded once again. The first step has just been taken and the FLAMMBURO-BBQ-system is online with the first articles.

Changes in 2022

We still have to be patient with some of the highlights. BOOMEX GmbH will take a big step forward in the area of logistics. Details will follow in the next few months. In advance, for all those who come by the Essen location… just keep your eyes open!